Secret #1: Outsourcing Is Not What You Think It Is
Hey there, Team Outsourced Doers here.
Welcome to our second blog in this series!
So let’s be frank.
What is outsourcing?
And why is it considered the “new normal” in business?
There are so many common misconceptions about outsourcing…
That we’re going to be overturning for you today 🙂
A common misconception is that Virtual Assistants are underqualified.
Before we dive deeper into this misconception, let me first begin by hitting you with a hard truth: If you’re not respecting your business or yourself in a smart, strategic, sustainable way…
It will break… And so will you.
When Grace started outsourcing to her first Virtual Assistant, she could commit to a whole lot less, while only working within her Genius Zone.
This was crucial for her health (both mental and physical)… as well as for her business’s sustainability and success.
(If you recall, in our first blog of this series, we told you about Grace’s experience before hiring her first Virtual Assistant… which involved her burning out from doing it all. It got to the point where she was admitted into hospital! Her doctor even warned her that she needed to start taking things slower for the sake of her health!)
After seeing so many other entrepreneurs at breaking point too…
She knew she had to help them follow in her outsourcing footpath.
She couldn’t bear to see other entrepreneurs struggling like she did.
She knew how dangerous it was, and the impact it can have on an individual.
Fast forward, and today we have over 1,000 Founders connected with their very own Virtual Marketing Assistant – or Outsourced Doer.
Here are just a few of our happy founders, explaining how hiring a Virtual Marketing Assistant was the answer to their pain:
Here’s how it works…
We recruit loyal hardworking Virtual Marketing Assistants…
Train them up and match them with time-strapped Founders – aka entrepreneurs just like you…
And take care of everything we possibly can to make sure you don’t have to go through the same pain, trial, and error that Grace did in getting support.
We do all the heavy lifting of finding your Virtual Assistant…
From interviews to payroll and everything in between…
Then, we train them in the top 10 areas to outsource that every entrepreneur needs to grow.
You can take tasks off your plate with confidence, because, just like running your business is YOUR Genius Zone, these tasks are theirs.
Make sense?
But in all honesty, there is a difference between traditional VAs and pre-trained multiskilled Virtual Marketing Assistants…
As previously mentioned, Virtual Marketing Assistants (we call them ‘Doers’) are trained in the top 10 areas that most successful founders outsource.
The Virtual Assistant industry gets a bad wrap though… because they are often only focusing on one specific area.
Whether that’s in social media…
OR tech…
OR graphic design…
OR inbox management…
It’s just one specialized area, meaning if you want to see a real impact on your business, you’ll need a lot of Virtual Assistants who will cover one area each.
Virtual Marketing Assistants, however…
They are what we consider to be all-rounders.
They are highly skilled in social media…
AND tech…
AND graphic design…
AND inbox management…
AND a whole lot more 😉
This means your one Doer can take on a range of roles!
Another misconception is that hiring a Filipino Virtual Assistant means taking jobs away from local staff…
And you know what? This is true (to an extent – and it’s not even a bad thing! Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain…)
The misconception here is that people don’t often realize that every job is worthy, and everyone deserves the opportunity to work.
Don’t you agree?
This fact stays the same, no matter where the employee is from or is living.
And besides… Hiring a Virtual Marketing Assistant from the Philippines (which is more affordable than local staff) doesn’t mean you can’t also hire locals.
In fact, hiring a Doer will help you make more money, which you can then use to hire a local team!
So by initially hiring a Doer… you can then scale faster… which means, if you want to, you can hire local staff too!
Really, this is just creating more roles as you’re able to scale!
Do you see how this makes so much sense?
So, to summarize this blog, outsourcing to a Virtual Marketing Assistant:
Is the smart decision to remove time-consuming, low-value tasks off your plate (say goodbye to tech, inbox management, and more!). The tasks that you are outsourcing sit within the Genius Zone of those you are outsourcing to!
Lets you sidestep all of the efforts that goes into hiring and training an employee with the help of Outsourced Doers – that’s what we’re for!
Means providing work to someone who is worthy of work – just as everyone is! It also leads to the creation of more work for your business as you scale… so you can have a local AND offshore team if that’s what you’re after 🙂
If you’re interested in learning about the beauty of hiring a full-time Virtual Assistant and why it’s the missing key to your growth…
Stay tuned for our next blog!
– Team Outsourced Doers